Account management is not an easy task for SMEs and large companies. This is why EquityBCDC has developed EazzyBiz, a remote account management solution for businesses.
EazzyBiz is a comprehensive and integrated cash and liquidity management solution that digitizes all transactions. The solution provides a great user experience, a unified view of accounts, payments, collections, and receivables, and management dashboards and analytics.
Secure operations thanks to the reception of an OTP (by SMS and email) at the time of connection.
Secure transactions with the Token.
Application available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Real-time remote account management.
Secure transactions with the Token.
Intuitive and easy-to-use tool.
Services available
Checking account balances
Extraction and printing of account statements (PDF, Excel, CSV...)
Transfers between your own accounts (levelling)
Transfers to another account
Transfers to other local banks (different currencies).
International transfers.
Import of payment files (salary, suppliers...).
Multiple validation of operations (one or more intervention levels).
Change of Password.
How to access EazzyBiz?
Be a legal person, holder of a (current) account
Subscribe to the product by completing the subscription and limitation of liability form.