The Mastercard prepaid card is an international payment method that is not linked to a bank account and is accepted throughout the world thanks to the Mastercard network.
What are the advantages of a prepaid Mastercard?
Ideal for online payment
Speed of your transactions
Online payment facility and payment security
24/7 access to your money in and outside the DRC
Availability of your money via ATMs, POS terminals and through the Mastercard network and Equity BCDC banking agents
Payment at MasterCard merchants
Validity: 3 years and available in USD.
Transaction ceilings
ATM withdrawal limit: USD 2,500/day
EFT withdrawal limit: USD 5,000 / day
Eftpos payment limit: 5000USD / day
Online payment limit: 5,000 USD / day
Maximum balance: USD 10,000
Deposit limit: 5000 USD / day
Number of transactions: 10 / day.
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