We offer loans to employees who work for companies and other credible entities to enable them to meet their various needs: consumption, acquisition of goods and equipment, real estate acquisition, training and study fees, etc.
Great Features
Limit Amount of USD 300 and over
Tenors : up to 120 months depending on the type of loan
Nearly instantaneous processing time for express employee credit, consumer credit, large rescue credit and employee overdraft.
Low cost of credit with a decreasing interest rate calculated on the remaining capital due
Possibility of early repayment without penalty
Loan available in USD, EUR and CDF
What you require to sign up
Have been working in a company for at least 6 months and have legal proof of a paid employment (employment contract, service certificate, service card, ministerial order, assignment commission, etc.).
Have a salary account with EBCDC that has been receiving the salary regularly for at least three months.
Have valid proof of identity.
Loan application form.
Commitment to cooperation.
Easy Steps to Get This Loan Facility
Present yourself at the bank with valid identification and all proof of employment and direct debit of salary.
Fill out the loan application form
Go back to the bank to sign loan agreements and other contracts
Why you should sign up for this product
Open to all employees
Quick and easy access procedure and process
Types of Credits Offered
We offer different types of loan:
Express employee loan to employees of traditional companies, national and international NGOs and international organizations.
Consumer loan to teachers, civil servants (State agents and executives), private employees, employees of traditional companies, national and international NGOs and international organizations.
Vehicle Loan to employees of standard companies, national and international NGOs and international organizations, as well as to executives and high-ranking government officials.
House loan to employees of standard companies, national and international NGOs and international organizations, as well as to executives and high-ranking government officials.
"Grand Rescue" salary advance to teachers, civil servants (government employees and executives), private employees, employees of standard companies, national and international NGOs and international organizations.
Private Overdraft to employees of standard companies, national and international NGOs, international organizations, as well as to executives and high-ranking civil servants of the state.
Contact Us
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